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Alumni FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Irwin Mitchell Alumni ?

Irwin Mitchell Alumni is a corporate alumni network, giving you access to more of the people and ideas shaping the industry, so that you can easily stay connected.

Q. Who is eligible to join Irwin Mitchell Alumni?

The programme is currently being piloted with a small group of previous colleagues before we roll this out to a wider group of eligible colleagues. Once fully launched  our previous and existing colleagues will be able to  join our new Alumni programme.

Q. How do I register and join Irwin Mitchell Alumni?

You can register by visiting https://alumni.irwinmitchell.com, clicking on the 'Register today' button. This will take you to a form where you can enter details about when you worked for us.

Q. How long does it take to register?

For colleagues that have received an invite by email, registration should be automatically approved for the pilot project.
For other past colleagues, we will process your application once the programme is fully launched towards the end of 2020. Depending on how many applications we receive, there may be a small delay to processing your application. We hope to be able to welcome you to the Alumni programme soon.

Q. When I connect my account with LinkedIn, will you ever post content on my behalf?

During registration, we ask if you would like to connect to your linked in account. This will save you the time of filling in some information required by the registration process. Once you have joined we will invite you and other members to share the programme's news and other content on your LinkedIn profile. We will only ever do this with your permission.

Q. How will I know if I have been registered?

Once we have launched the programme and your registration has been verified, you will receive a "welcome" email.

Q. I am approved - what now?

You can sign in right away at https://alumni.irwinmitchell.com, taking advantage of all the network has to offer.

Q. Who can I speak to if I have a question regarding Irwin Mitchell Alumni?

Please contact our Alumni Relations Team alumni@irwinmitchell.com